Thursday 30 October 2014


Okay, nothing much to say, just to keep the blog alive. Haha

Midsem pun dah lama habis. Dull holidays as expected but memang dah expect kan. So tak kisah lah.

Anyway, dah menyettlekan hal tolong kakak aku with her little bussines.

Go go go and search for

Many collections await. For instance satin printed vintage design, kurti blouse and jubah. Ada custom made wide shawl or shawl, with ot without lace.

Now rasa macam faham sesak orang berniaga. Aku yang tukang tangkap gambar je pun dah tak lalu. Haha

Apatah lagi orang yang berniaga tukar menukar tudung sepuluh doploh kali ni.

Lerghh. Over tahu sambil tunggu tukar menukar tudung tu sempat lagi stalk blog orang lain. Kah.

Dah. Aku pun tak tahu motif entry ni. Bye.

-- Dont forget to check out her Instagram account ~ Byfsquare.

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