Wednesday 31 December 2014


"Do I ever cross your mind?"



"You stay on it.."

Exam Mood : ON

So, official statement has been released stated that our exam will be on 5th January until 20th January. Lambat lima hari. Ah ha, abaikan.

Pagi-pagi dengar orang bersorak main bola dekat Kompleks Sukan, and you realize life is getting normal macam dulu. The condition here is getting better, less ambulances and helicopters sound. Well at least we know, everything makin okay.

Volunteers are still needed here in USM, but Dekan already told us to limit our volunteer work and focus on exam this time since we have been working since the disaster began. Sangat diharapkan PPSP & PPSG students je sekarang ni.
Allahu musta'an.

I chit-chated with Cik Zul, not the HEP one but Che Din one. Haha. Okay aku memang suka berborak sangat-sangat. Kahkah. While bayar Tam Tam sempat la berborak dengan Cik Zul. Rumah dia tak banjir but he told me a story.

Satu famili tu, anak dia merengek lapar. Rumah dah habis kena kepung air, sanggup pergi meredah banjir cari beras. Dah jumpa beras, terjatuh pulak dalam air. Melimpah beras

Rasa macam kena cucuk kaca dah mata masa tu, Cik Zul pulak cerita bagi sayu je.
Aku borak-borak and then blah pergi padang kawad.

Semalam aku pergi lagi, ada pakcik dari Kuala Krai datang nak ambik makanan kering basah semua ni la. Dia bawak nasi 3 bungkus dan mintak air mineral. Sambil dia tunggu ada budak ni ambil air mineral, aku berborak lah dengan dia. Huahua. Borak lagi.
Dia cakap laa teruk keadaan sana. Rasa macam hina bila makanan kena main campak-campak je.
Ada some part yang aku setuju, ada yang tak. Aku tak rasa ada pihak menghina dorang pun tapi dorang tengah emotionally stress kan, so kita dengar aje lah instead of backing up something like blah blah blah.

Aku sambung buat kerja, pakcik tu datang lagi, dia pergi kat section lilin dan mintak lilin sebab rumah dah lama sangat bergelap. Aku pun nak bagi tak sampai hati. Lilin yang tinggal pun lebihan aje. Lilin-lilin deko yang bulat tu. Berapa terang sangat lah kan. Huhu. Aku tulis kan aje la inventori out sebab nak berkira item cemni pun tak sampai hati. Wuwu. Tapi dah sebab barang orang kan.

Banyak je cerita dekat Padang Kawad yang jadi pusat operasi kumpul barang, punggah barang sebenarnya. Sampai kena sound pun ada, hmm hmm. Tapi biar lah. Malas nak ungkit benda-benda camtu.

So ini lah rupa tempat untuk barang keluar. Yang dah dipack etc.
Banyaak sangat barang. Belum cerita dekat sebelah yang bila lori datang bergondong-gondong sampai nak patah pinggang mengangkut. Haha.
Semalam pun ad budak PEMANCAR (is it?), -gabungan mahasiswa machang, ada abamm abam ke adik entah dari Poli KB yang join JPAM n Wataniah datang tolong.

Nice experience tho.

To the affected families, may Allah always shower you with strength, determination and most importantly, His bless.

Tuesday 30 December 2014


Baru dapat jejak katil dari pukul 10.00 pagi tadi sampai 12.00 malam ni dan badan tease me around telling that I should not sleep.
Padahal aku exhausted gila dah ni T_T

I am ready to sleep siap tepuk bantal busuk bagai then my body told me :

"I'm just joking mate.."


Monday 29 December 2014


Morning. As usual, pagi-pagi akan difully-wake up oleh helikopter. Salute to the teams yang tak berhenti berkhidmat T_T

. . .

Okay, tadi termimpi. Mimpi tak habis lol sebab ayah call. That was random dream tapi bermakna. Oho hoi.

I went to a place, i dont know where but it seems familiar to me. Ada dua kedai yang jual kuih and breakfast, the right one ada jual murtabak and i want that but sadly, the akak yang jual tak ada. So i went to the left side one. No murtabak but ada kuih pulut yang salut dengan kelapa pedas tu. Haha wait, why even aku cakap pasal makanan masa tengah lapar ni T_T

"Nasib baik adik datang"

And i was like why?

"Akak ni cari duit lebih. Suami pun tak bagi banyak. Dia tak fikir agaknya anak nak masuk sekolah ni"

Aku tak sempat respon tetiba Taylor Swift kejut. Ayah aku lah tu call.

The end.

Short yet meaningful isnt? At least untuk aku.

I am not that one yang kemain over feminism nya.

But seriously, hak bekerja is totally hak untuk perempuan jugak.

And wait. Aku jahil ke or is there any hukum yang cakap perempuan tak boleh bekerja? Ini serious question sebab aku serious tak tahu and nak tahu.

Living in family where ibu ayah are working, and yes life isnt that hard. It always has ayah or ibu to turn to.

And i really hope suami aku not the type yang akan suruh aku duduk rumah sahaja. Well at least tempoh kerja aku sama dengan tempoh aku belajar. 5 years old until 23 years old. Berapa tu? 18 tahun?

Even aku kahwin dengan jutawan pun. Sebab apa? Sebab dalam hidup ni seriously tak boleh bergantung hidup sangat dengan orang lain. Money matter. Hidup sekarang ni ramai yang bertuhankan duit, dan dont expect people to suap you sebab setiap orang ada nafsu dia. To buy this and to buy that. Sesiapa yang lucky enough jumpa spouse yang sentiasa together in hell or heaven tu sangat laa beruntung.

Dan aku tak nak marriage aku hancus sebab duit. Kan? Bukanlah nak duit segunung tinggi tapi sekurangnyaa aku sendiri ada support untuk diri aku sendiri kalau apa-apa jadi. Aku tak perlu mintak suami aku bagi duit dekat ibu ayah aku sebab dia orang yang besarkan aku sendiri. Aku boleh bagi berapa yang aku mampu kalau aku ada duit aku sendiri.

Itu logik aku.

Even ibu ayah pun pernah cakap yang jangan berhenti kerja even dah kahwin pun sebab dia cakap banyak lelaki sekarang ni tak boleh harap jugak. Hahah itu ayat ibu ayah aku okay.

Hahaha okay. Entry random dari aku yang masih selubung dengan selimut.

Sunday 28 December 2014


Life is really an unexpected journey. The condition here is such a mess. As we all know, banjir here in Kelantan. Our exam got delayed, our foods kena catu and such.

Nobody gonna care about exam right now. Seriously. I cant contain all the emotions when i think about the victims. How you hear bunyi helikopter dengan kerap, like 30 minutes sekali or maybe less than 30 minutes. Dan we know up there ada orang tengah bertarung nyawa from Kuala Krai or Hospital Zainab to HUSM.

It is critical time for everyone. For USM too.

Yet, human masih ada yang selfish.

Keep complaining about everything, how frustrated they are about the delayed exam and everything.

Put yourself in victims' shoe, the family, the student who involve in volunteerism or anyone yang terlibat.

You never know if you just lock your room, stuck in front of your books, and then you argue about why and why the exam got delayed.

"I want the exam to be on next week no matter what!"

Come on la, not everything will follow your flow. Unless you prepare everything, you susun meja, you tampal exam number on table, you print out all candidates name for every subject then yes, we can do it as soon as possible.

The ass with all those selfish thinking. All you think is about yourself.

Macam lah kau lahir dekat dunia ni tak ada bantuan siapa-siapa. Kalau mak kau je ada dekat dunia ni without your bapak, takkan ada jugak kau dekat dunia ni.

Common sense please? At least be considerate.

When the time comes, it will come.

I got a meeting with Dekan this morning, and i remember how frustrated he is when yesterday he when to visit some random shops.

The situation where everyone borong everything like there is no tomorrow.

And he said, our situation is really different from Japan, each person can buy only 2 bottles of mineral waters in order to be fair for their neighbours or others.

While the situation here is, you borong everything until the rak is completely kosong!

And he said that he wont be suprised if people killing each other just to get foods.


Yes, you have to make sure you get enough foods during the disaster but lupa ke orang lain pun macam tu jugak. Pandai-pandailah bercatu. Hmmm. I dont know lah.

There are also issue where the victims complaint about how boring and annoyed they are because hari hari is sardin. It is happening in USM yo!

Oh my god, really?!

Tuhan kasi ujian untuk kau bersyukur, yet ada makanan pun still complaint?


Patutlah Malaysian is Malaysian, not those Syrian etc.

I am here and I see a complete view of people especially the thinking.

- Temerloh is getting worst. I am worried about USM, hope tak banjir dan i am damn worried about my family and house. Terkepung sudah. Rumah tak banjir but no jalan keluar.

Allah, save them please :'(

Thanks Allah for everything. USM seems to be the only safest place here. You imagine how lucky i am to be here? Can you imagine if Kuala Krai is actually Kubang Kerian?

We have so many manpower and facilities here, bila semakin dikaji hikmah Tuhan, you see the beauty.



* Yes you, good luck exam :)

Tuesday 23 December 2014


Now i wonder, how do i study before?
Phone is such a major turn off. Yeah, together with the weather. Ahha. *we live in society that got lot of complaint tho, hujan marah, panas marah. Pardon me*

Social media it is. This entry is one of the end product of distraction.

Yes. Seriously i wonder how do i study before this. During my form 3, my form 5 etc. If i am not distracted by smartphone, then what?


Laptop. Yes.

I remember how my mom complaint about me at my Form 3 homeroom teacher for being too into Japanese entertainment. Haha. Laptop 24/7.

What a life.

Technology is one of the indicator for urbanisation *yeah, perhaps* and in the end it such a battle for the society.


"I have to study right now. So i need to put away all those gadgets and blah bla blahh" - said a random electronic engineering student.

And then s/he gonna create one someday.

Urbanisation caused all the hi-techs to occur yet students struggle with gadgets in order to swim in the urbanisation sea.

Senjata makan tuan namanya. Haha agaknya la.

Sudahlah, i got a really big issue with health literacy and poverty right now. Should study for health n society instead xD

There is one side of the world who struggle to get food and yet your struggle is to be away from your gadgets. Seriously fara?

But then, it is a struggle between nafsu actually. Struggle orang lain-lain right?

Everybody has their own struggle. So, be kind :)

Tuesday 16 December 2014


Nothing can be as awesome as sleeping for 9 hours during your busy day. Bhaha.
Nice start anyway.
Waking up with your favourite series. Aaaaaa.
Started the morning with mountain level of confidence and as expected it was an awesome day.

Dan makan Domino's dengan hanya bayar RM3.00++

How awesome the life is?

Anyway it is all about the positive aura. It aint about the metaphysic or such but you walk what your mind talk.

Challange :

Start your day with a mess. For example, wake up at 8.55am while your class is at 9.00am, leave your phone uncharged, fight with someone and you name the rest


Wake up early, have your breakfast, watch some mood-booster clips or such and smile.


See the differences.

It sure make a different.

Monday 15 December 2014


This is how my typical near-end of the semester. Doing assignment A then you cant get your head out of report B. I should settle one by one anyway. But that's how I live. Yay or Nay?
By the way, i just suck at passive sentences. Major problem while doing the clinical/lab report. Blergh. I stucked about 5 minutes just to arrange the proper passive sentence. Bhaha.
It aint easy.
Forgetting the past too. lol 
Gotta admit that im just bad at something that is called 'past'. 

Be it sentences or life.

Am i using a lot of metaphor these days?

Sunday 14 December 2014

Sound Disorder!

Thirteen chapters in a night.
God bless me T_T

Current stage : Anger


Mentally tired. Class non stop from 8.30am - 5.30pm except for lunch hour. One hour nap isnt crime isnt? Haha.
Well let see, how curi tidur lepas Asar will do xO

Im dying.

Test for Sound Disorder and i think i might get mental disorder at least for this one whole day.

Talk less. Gedbai ZzZZZZzzz

Friday 12 December 2014

So long!

Nothing hurt than chasing someone who will never love you back.

Oh oh. I found the other one.

It is hurt waiting for the next episode of a drama. I mean, it was very tense at the end and you have to wait for another week.

Worst feeling ever.

But towards the end, the episode is still coming, it just you have to wait for it.

I cant see any differences between both.

The love and the drama.

It worth the wait isnt?

Geez. Crappy talk again.

The truth is im currently watching a drama and i regret. I have to wait for every damn week to see the upcoming events. Hahaha. I should wait until it finish airing. Grrhh.

I just forget that i own a blog, these few days some friends brought this up. And i was like, omg did i own a blog? Haha.

Life is as expected. Very flat but of course something unexpected came and all you have to do is to go through it.

Last week of lecture. Gonna bid a farewell for Semester 3 soon.

Time sure flies like crazy mosquitoes. Haha!

- Random picture. I miss home. I mean the mall. Haha.

Pssss : I really mean the very first word in this entry. Haaha. Oh my, life is sure a drama. Or maybe, drama is actually a life.

The lines that never meet.
Me and you, perhaps? Hahahaha
Mann, im getting crazy. Okay cut this shitty thought. I am just kidding guys.