Friday 12 December 2014

So long!

Nothing hurt than chasing someone who will never love you back.

Oh oh. I found the other one.

It is hurt waiting for the next episode of a drama. I mean, it was very tense at the end and you have to wait for another week.

Worst feeling ever.

But towards the end, the episode is still coming, it just you have to wait for it.

I cant see any differences between both.

The love and the drama.

It worth the wait isnt?

Geez. Crappy talk again.

The truth is im currently watching a drama and i regret. I have to wait for every damn week to see the upcoming events. Hahaha. I should wait until it finish airing. Grrhh.

I just forget that i own a blog, these few days some friends brought this up. And i was like, omg did i own a blog? Haha.

Life is as expected. Very flat but of course something unexpected came and all you have to do is to go through it.

Last week of lecture. Gonna bid a farewell for Semester 3 soon.

Time sure flies like crazy mosquitoes. Haha!

- Random picture. I miss home. I mean the mall. Haha.

Pssss : I really mean the very first word in this entry. Haaha. Oh my, life is sure a drama. Or maybe, drama is actually a life.

The lines that never meet.
Me and you, perhaps? Hahahaha
Mann, im getting crazy. Okay cut this shitty thought. I am just kidding guys.

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