Friday 2 January 2015


Morning peeps. Let's start our day early today. Hype hype hype.
Throw away all those negativities around.

That feeling when you wake up from sleep and you just miss your family so much. Sigh.
Our family is now seperated. Uhu. Wait wait not that kind of seperation. Lels.
My ayah and along is at home, ibu is in KL, dah habis her 2-3 weeks meeting but cannot go home sebab banjir and i am here in Kelantan U_U
Bring me back to the 2007 or 2008 moments where my sis and i dihantar ke kampung, my dad dekat rumah and again, ibu got her meeting. Sebab banjir jugak. Haha -,-

Lamanyaa tak balik rumah. Phuhuhuhu

Motif sebab pagi-pagi dah buka telefon dan nampak gambar mereka. Heww.

Dah. Itu aje. Kbai T_T

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