Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year Resolution

Nyan! I guess it's not too late for a new year wish. Happy New Year Bois and Gals ! :)

I do remember how excited I am when it comes to new year. Yes, during my school years. Jumping from Form 1 to Form 2 and so on. But, i cant sense so much vibes during the university year. Haha. Everyone is so stucked with final examination. But jyeah, new year is just another day, but different chapters for sure.

That moment when you get scared of what tomorrow may brings but you cant help it. The only choice is to enjoy the life. It is okay to cry over something useless, to laugh on silly or not so funny jokes, as long as you enjoy and cherish every momet of your life.

New year resolution? Of course i do have one. I mean, many of it. Haha.


Haha. Omg. Seems like i got plenty extra time with Photoshop. But meh, reality hurts. I skipped my study time. Sigh. My head and brain is not functioning well to be honest. Headache or whatsover -,-
Bad 2015 start. Hey but chill 364 days left. I am gonna love everyday of it. Perhaps i am still alive :p

Back to the New Year Resolution, to be honest this is the first time I have such life-goal. Bhahah. I am being honest again here, my past resolutions never changed. It is all about gadgets and entertainments. Change phone, buy laptop, buy gadgets blah blah blah, going to concerts etc. And of course i accomplish most of everything but nay, it doesnt not bring any changes to my life. Haha. Omg. I guess i dont know what is the definition of resolutions. Haha.

I am soon to be 21 years old. Bukan zaman untuk menggila at random Korean Concerts or any other concert and you realize death can strike at any time. Taubat okay taubat!

And and and of course, i will try hard to be a real muslimah. It is so sad that i am so so so far behind :'(
Doakan aku wei T_T

Okay lah. Lastly, kalau panjang umur, 1st January 2016 kita check mana yang dah done ! :)

Aaaaaa so scary thinking about the rest days. Aku tak boleh fikir kalau dalam tahun ni banyak tragedi like i lost my love ones, my friends or anyone I know.

Ya Allah, save my family, save my country, save my lovely ones etc :')

P/s : Aku rasa aku dah makin matang. Hahaha. Kenapa baru nak masuk 21 tahun baru aku terfikir pasal everything? HAHAHA. K.

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