Wednesday 7 January 2015

Kill time.

They say ;

Ocean is larger than sea.

I say ;

My love is the ocean and you are the sea.

Haha. Okay. Me and random cheesy thought. Well, refreshment kot after stuck dengan notes. Cheesy sesekali ala roti nan. Okay. Lapar.

Sleepy oi sleeppyyy.

Seven papers to go. And those past two papers are such a jerk. How i hate you guys T_T

Cant wait to go home but arghh more papers are coming. Well, that cant be help though. Plus, TITAS' date havent come out yet.

So kind of OOTD for Health and Society paper. Pergh, rajin pulak aku post selfie bagai -,-

Lol. I am just killing my few minutes. Should take a nap and wake up at 1 or 2. Hahaha.

How i wish.

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