Friday 2 May 2014



So, basically this is my err idk 5th or 6th blog since 2007? I am not the comitted one when it comes to this thing. I just found that my life is rather interesting these past few days ( than before, haha).  I met a lot of people and situations that I think it is worth enough to be jotted down, anywhere. Yes, anywhere. But I also dont have the capability in keeping Buku 555. It will dissapear after sometimes. Haha.
I love writing, sometime it comes to the level that I write in my mind. Haha. And I dont think any social network works well for writing. Facebook? Twitter? No no no.

So yeah, nice day ahead :)

p/s : They said there will be some construction and black out from 9am to 5pm. What a life. No Wifi, no power supply and I have tons of assignments !
But still, we plan to go outside today. Pictures up if it happens. :)

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