Sunday 18 May 2014

Ini semua gila.

"Audio and Speech student, please gather for a while.. " said Shy the class representive.
We are hoping for good news like Dr will extend the date of submission since we havent print the assignment yet.

She handed a piece of paper for each one of us.

Explain the reason why children ( or with disabilities ) need to go to school?
- 20 marks
- Date of Submission : 21st May 2014

And I feel like cryinggggggg.
I wonder how limitless is stress level till aku rasa hujan setitik dua pun boleh buat aku pening kepala gila dan nak demam.
Dan badan dah rasa panas with ulcer all over in your mouth.

Jangan demam dan spoil the whole week sebab aku ada CA Anatomy besar Rabu ni dan OSPE menanti!

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