Tuesday 6 May 2014


This week an event called Festival Kelestarian Islam is happening in USM.
It is basically pameran about Islam etc etc.
There are some talk and forum at night.
Well Aiman Azlan came yesterday but i am not going. Assignment overload. What a sad life.
There are some pameran at Red Square anyway today. I am not sure until when.
Lot of booths.
Got one booth for not yet muslim to try hijab, yippie they should join. Lot of shawls! Hahaha
And some booth to clearify about Islam. About Aurah, Kiblat etc etc.

Gema Selawat for tomorrow. Raihan will come :)

It happened that we just finish our English class and we got chance to come.
Red Square pretty far anyway *lol jauh lah sangat*

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