Saturday 3 May 2014

Kahwin ke?

I am all alone in my room and then someone knocked the door. I have seen the face for several time already but I dont know her anyway. Haha.

"Berapa orang eh dalam bilik ni?"


"Nak bagi ni sebenarnya.."

While handed me three boxes ( 2 purple, 1 pink. And ofc i choose the pink one. Haha! ) which i dont know what's inside. But it is something you will get whenever you go to kenduri kahwin or something similar.

"Ohh.. Kahwin ke?"
I asked with the innocent face of mine.

"Ehh. Tak lah. Gift bagi dekat patient untuk research haritu. Ada lebih.."

I thanked her and she went out from the room.
I literally laugh.
Ridiculous assumption of the night.

Cuti tiga hari kot, not impossible if she got married. Haha.
Kitorang je stranded dekat USM ni menghadap dinding krim yang tak berapa nak berkrim ni. What a life when you saw your uni-mates posted their trip to Pulau Perhentian, Pulau Langkawi on Facebook while you just spent your day at Betel Valley, KB Mall and Tesco. Dah lah tak boleh balik rumah, black out pulak T_T
And the three days holiday passed like a storm. *sudden imagination of Elsa part in Let It Go*

I met her again in toilet anyway.

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