Saturday 2 August 2014

Kutip balik Dominoes block tu!

Mood is like dominoes block. One down, it means disaster.
And I am having a domino's effect right now. Stop messing up with my life as i can turn out hell.

Currently at Seremban Highway punya surau. Waiting for my ibu since i cant solat. Lol. Effect PMS gamaknya kena domino's effect. Haha but seriously, berapa kali dah aku dapat first impression yang orang cakap aku sombong. Kah! Dah siapa suruh kau jumpa aku masa mood aku tengah dirabak-rabak?
You got no right to call people sombong at a first glance you saw them. I mean like yes, i am having my bad day and you expect me to smile like an idiot to all strangers? Hella fella no.

I know i am gonna regret this later, i mean this post. Haha. Budusshh.

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