Saturday 9 August 2014


Ya Allah. Rasa nak mengamuk bangat! Access Campusonline tadi dan maybe ada virus ke hapa keeee then phone dia suruh encrypt. Banyak disadvantage encrypt so cancel je lah tadi, daaaaaaaaaaaann oh my god. Factory reset! That was hell. I lost all the contacts. All the pictures and everythingggg. That was suck maaann. Oh my goshh. Whatsapp pun as usual tinggal whatsapp group sahaja dan all those pretty pictures are gone. I mean gone. Gaah. Yeah, this is not the end of the world but still, i should do backup first. Silly!

Seee. Totally like a newborn baby!

I feel like crying.

Hahaha. K. Keep calm and move on. Those lost pictures really getting my nerve. Gambar raya and everything semua ilekkk.

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