Sunday 27 July 2014

Entri batal puasa.

Dear Mr. Y, who currently doing his foundation study.

Do your best for your upcoming semester one test. Please please do your best and get a place in USM Kubang Kerian and met me. Hahahahaha.

Ahh ummm. Maybe you can be like this in future? Hahahahahaha. K.

Makan keju. It is getting cheesier.

Who cares about age gap? Hahahahaha.

- I am currently waiting for my mom n sis buying sandal for Atok, and i come this this scene. What a cute daughters that guy have. Both are So cute and pretty :') it so cute when the sis fed her sister with roti after took her every bite. Haha. And they taking turn with the Slurpee. Oh em ji. Slurpee. Iceyyy. And sorry i took your photo without permission Mr. Papa. Let me know if you come to this blog by any chance (it wont happen hahaha) and you can ask me to take down the photo. Haha.

Anyway, Mr. Y , Selamat Hari Raya. Beberapa tahun lagi mungkin kita beraya bersama?

Hahahahahahaha. That was random. He is not exist. I swear

Dugaan seh duduk depan 7E. Hahaha. Menngundang kecur air liur betul tengok bebudak keluar masuk dengan Slurpee berbagai perisa di tangan. Lol.

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