Friday, 18 July 2014

Pray For Malaysia.

Gloomy day for Malaysia. Well at least in my place. My deepest condolences to the family and friends of MH17. InsyaAllah, Allah will show His hikmah for everything.
Yeah, i do admit, keyboard speaks louder than action. You can always say be strong, stay strong while i think i am the one who will go maniac if this kind of thing happened to my family. Hm, but in the end ; to died, you have to live. Kullu nafsin zaaikatul maut. Every soul taste death. What can we do except preparing for it?

Kadang-kadang kita rasa Allah kejam. I just read about the whole family, 6 of them become the nahas. But, to think about it over and over again, he is indeed the Rahman. Maha pengasih.
Kalau lah dia hidupkan part of the family, and matikan the rest, what will happen? Hmm. Kalau lah dia hidupkan seorang dari enam, how can they live their life ever again? Kalau lah dia hidupkan hanya ibu dan bapa, macam mana nak hidup tanpa anak yang dah 19 tahun hidup bersama (referring to the eldest son)

Dah tu kenapa dah jadikan kemalangan ni?

Allahu. Ini satu ujian. Ujian untuk umat manusia. Orang berfikir akan rasa benda ni satu ujian tapi orang yang buta mata hati akan kata benda ni satu bala celaka. Dekat sini Allah dah duga tahap iman kita.
I am now watching live RTM talk about MH17, very wise said by Kapten Norudin and Ustaz Hanifah.

Ini lah masa untuk hati-hati rakyat bersatu.

Indeed. People go gaga, go crazy over small things nowadays. From small accident issue to the political issues, then they relate it with racial issues. Emotional arguement are everywhere but no solutions are made. Malaysian becomes weaker day by day and the world is watching.

MH17 is just at the wrong time and at the wrong place during that time.

But Allah never be so wrong!

We should stop pointing fingers to each others.
Stop blaming MAS, they know what they are doing before deciding the route, just like what the Kapten said. The details about the laluan udara was informed to MAS before they decide to depart.
This is due to the pergolakan, Ukraine and Russia will never close their laluan udara.

People avoiding MAS but yeah I am still supporting them.
Be Bus, plane, ferry, everywhere will not guarantee your life.

After all, Inalillahi wa innalillahi rojiun.

To Allah we belong and to Allah we should return.

Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.
Pegang Qada dan Qadar Allah.
Ummah, lets unite our hearts.

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