Friday 25 July 2014

Nervousa de capuira.

Bila nak pejam mata ada pulak ajak diskus pasal zionisme, francaisi, francaisor semua ni.

Memang saja tak nak bagi aku nervous ke apa? Hahaha. K.

Teringat convo dengan puan ibu.

+ Result keluar esok. But i am not nervous. It might turn worse than before.

- Alaaa. Nervous laa. Nervous laa.

Said mom in order to make things right. Hahaha. Boleh pulak macam tu. Tapi aku memang tak nervous. Dari dulu.

Aku nervous last sem and it turned out okay. Ah yea not so okay but of course you reap what you sow kan?

Shut it. Aku nervous dah sia. Hahahaaha. Mencikk alelelelele =_=

Random ; talked about history and language with mom during sahur and further the issue with somebody else. I freaking love History! It gives me vibe. Lol.
And of course i freaking love Bahasa. It just, i dont know why my fingers keep hitting the alphabet for English on the keyboard. But believe me. I love bahasa. It is an art.
I got A+ for Sejarah and Bahasa anyway. Hahaha.

Reason for code mixing/code switching ( as far as i remember, lol we learned this before )

- To exclude somebody in conversation
- Ingin dianggap terpelajar.
- Etc. Haha.

But none of these apply to me. Lol
Dia macam nature in writing. But i never take Bahasa for granted. And i want to learn more about seni bahasa. Hahaa.

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