Thursday 24 July 2014

Escapist dan escapism.

The escapist of reality. I remember those scene in TG where excellent students are escaping themselve from the books' world. And some of them being a killer. When people are tired of living under people expectation. But yeap, it is a trend. people use social network to escape but like seriously? I believe life has a lot to offer, discover the life more and we should never let our eyes drain because of the screens. Lol

How i wish i could travel all over the world, or settle down at the other side of the world. With everthing new, new people and i pattern the expectation myself. It is not that i hate what i have now but well i kinda need some refreshment.
I sound like an activist anyway. Haha. How i wish i could see the other part of the world and appreciate life more.
I wanna be an escapist of reality to the reality.

- Give more, expect less. I never agree. Haha. When you give more, people will expect more and more from you.
I seriously hate living under people expectation and controls.
Allah's is enough.

- i consume caffein during Sahur and now i cant sleep. Heavy head. Poor me poor. I stop consume them a while ago (im a coffee addict lol) , never thought it will give me so much effect. Heolla.
I should sleep or else i gonna be a useless flat tyre for the whole day long. Too many things to do anyway.

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